LinnDrum II - Dave Smith & Roger Linn


De naam BoomChik is dus veranderd in LinnDrum II.

Bovenstaande afbeelding is uit een artikel in Future Music:
2 versions of the new Drum Machine to be Launched:
1 All Digital with Sample playback
2 Digital and Analogue (IE version above but with 4 Voice analogue synthesis-and Evolver type bits and pieces) and 27 extra knobs

Some details:
OS emphasises usability and realtime performance
MPC and 808 style programming on 16 sensitive pads
16 MB flash RAM expandable by compact Flash
Pitch-space synthesis on analogue side

4 outputs plus 4 Analogue outputs (on analogue model)
2 Audio Inputs for processing etc
USB/MIDI in/out

Various processing options and its own individual 'sound'

Site van DSI :
Discussie @ Vintagesynth:
Linndrum II op SynthWiki:
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Jammer dat er nog steeds niets bekend is over hoe ie er nu echt uit gaat zien.
Op de officiele site zeggen ze dat het design hierboven (proto 2) het niet gaat worden.

Ook de 'rode' variant gaat het niet worden. Jammer, want die vond ik er wel kek uit zien.


  • LinnDrum II third design.jpg
    LinnDrum II third design.jpg
    57 KB · Bekeken: 92
Doe rooie die ziet er echt wel leuk uit, lijkt ook qua vorm op een buchla 700. Wanneer je ook de grote afbeelding wat beter bekijkt, ziet hij er wel leuk uit. Bovendien denk ik dat ze er nog niet goed uit waren toen die laatste foto verscheen. Vergelijk maar eens de functies op de 3 verschillende foto's. Heel verschillend dus. Zelf voor een prototype van een product zijn de mogelijke functies toch nog zeer uitlopend. Wie effectief een aan de ontwikkeling van een product begint moet nog een vaster idee hebben, zou ik zo denken. Maar we zien wel he. Wordt alleszins een drummachine denk ik.
Ik vind het echt jammer maar ik denk dat dit ding er nooit komt, ik sta op de maillijst en het laatste mailtje kan ik me niet eens meer herinerren. :(
Ummm.... hoe klinkt onderstaande?

Update - December 17, 2009:

Not too much to say but I wanted to post an update. As I mentioned below, Dave and I learned along the way that his customers want a different product than mine, and it's too expensive in today's economy to make one product that pleases both. So I'm working on one or more products that, while different from the early LinnDrum II designs shown below, will be powerful, creative and not too expensive. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I can't give any product details or release date estimates, but I (and also Dave, by the way) won't be showing any such product at NAMM. (Roger Linn Design no longer exhibits at trade shows anyway because I don't think they make much sense in the internet era.) Regarding Dave's product plans, I can't speak for him but it wouldn't hurt to visit his site periodically, if for no other reason than he makes some very fine products. When I have any interesting updates, I promise to post them here.
"Het project gaat niet door maar ik ben met iets anders bezig en dat wordt ook best vet."
Dave Smith is afgehaakt. Roger Lin is nog wel bezig met iets meer juist het hybride was iets me heel erg (in theorie) aansprak.

heeft iemand die ...fx / drumbak procesor van roger linn wel gekocht ???

whooookan wel veel en zoals we weten is rogerlinn goed in produceren van exentrieke gear

dave stukken minder !!!

What’s new in AdrenaLinn III?

If you're familiar with AdrenaLinn II, here's what's new:

40 amp models, all enhanced for accuracy, presence and improved tube saturation
Stereo reverb
User presets increased to 200 & filled with great new sounds. (For details, download our Preset & Drumbeat Listing.)
User drumbeats increased to 200 & filled with great new beats. (For details, download our Preset & Drumbeat Listing.)
Right foot switch is now named EFFECT and may be assigned per-preset to enable any specific effect or combination. Functions of both foot switches may be reassigned.
Greatly enhanced MIDI pedalboard control: up to 10 MIDI footswitches and 2 MIDI expression pedals may be assigned to control nearly all internal settings and commands
A variable Amp Drive Boost has been added, actuated by panel or MIDI foot switches
Stereo width of modulation effects and delay are now adjustable
Envelope attack & decay times are now adjustable for random filter & random tremolo effects
Four new Modulation Effects are added: Auto Pan, Wah Pedal, Fixed Filter and Sci-Fi
Simple guitar amp distortion now exists for drumbeats, independent of guitar amp models
Internal drums may be triggered from MIDI
Variable- frequency lowpass filters have been added to output of amp models, delay & drumbeats
Improved drum sounds
Noise gate is improved to be virtually unnoticeable
And much, much more (Download the manual for details.)
If you already own an AdrenaLinn or AdrenaLinn II, you can upgrade it to AdrenaLinn III for only US$99.

What's an AdrenaLinn III?

AdrenaLinn III is not just another stomp box but rather an innovative professional tool for those who want to express their musical creativity through new and unique sounds. Although it accurately provides the classic amp and effects sounds you've grown to love over the years, AdrenaLinn III journeys much farther afield into new and uncharted territory, providing a wide palette of unique and creative tools to transform ordinary guitar parts into something truly extraordinary.

Beat-Synched Modulation/Filter Effects, plus Filter Sequencer & Random Filters

AdrenaLinn III's Beat-Synched Filter Modulation effects give you the classic modulation effects you know and love like tremolo, flanging, filter sweeps, vibrato, rotary speaker and auto-pan, but moving in perfect synch to its drumbeats or MIDI clock. No longer will you need to hope your tremolo stays in synch to your track, or try to make your flanger reach the top of its cycle when you want it to. With AdrenaLinn III, you simply select a tempo-based speed value-- 1/8 notes, 1/8 note triplets, 1/16 notes, anything from every 8 measures to 1/32 note triplets--and AdrenaLinn III keeps perfect synch. But the real fun comes with AdrenaLinn III's new and unique modulation effects like Random Filter, Random Flanging and Random Tremolo, Filter Tremolo, Pulse Tremolo, Sawtooth Tremolo, Sawtooth Filter Tremolo, Hard-Switched Auto Pan and much, much more.

AdrenaLinn III's Filter Sequences are amazing in their ability to enhance even simple chordal parts and inspire new composition ideas. Your guitar signal is processed through a filter that changes its frequency--and optionally sweeps it up or down--at up to 32 steps within a looped, 2-measure sequence, superimposing a fascinating rhythmic pattern onto your guitar parts. You can choose one of 20 preset rhythmic filter sequences or program your own.

Another creative tool is AdrenaLinn III's exclusive Arpeggio Sequences, as used in John Mayer's 2004 hit Bigger Than My Body. In this case, your guitar signal in processed through a sequence of pitched resonances, superimposing patterns of major, minor, chromatic or other note sequences onto your tone. It's sort of like the resonant frequency you'd hear if playing your guitar in a small tiled room, except the size of the room changes up to 32 times over 2 measures in a pattern of specific resonances. Like the Filter Sequences, you can select from 20 preset sequences or program your own.

The third type of sequence offered by AdrenaLinn III is its Tremolo Sequences, in which your guitar signal moves through a sequence of volume pulses of programmed levels. An example of what this sounds like is the opening guitar part in Green Day's Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Again, select from 20 preset sequences or program your own.

The Note-Triggered Filter Effects are a tremendously creative tool for solo work. You get Auto Wah, Envelope Filter (with adjustable rise and fall times), Volume Swells, Note-Triggered Chorus, even an amazing simulation of the vintage Talk Box effect, normally produced by routing the speaker's sound through a tube into the musician's mouth to make the sound "talk".

For those who really like to push the limit, AdrenaLinn III permits you to design your own effects. Borrowing from the world of patchable analog synthesizers, you can route any modulation source (LFO, random LFO, sequencer, envelope follower, note-triggered envelope generator, peak hold generator) to any audio processor (Moog/Evolver style 4-pole lowpass filter, Oberheim-style 2-pole lowpass filter, wah/bandpass filter, highpass or notch filter, flanger/resonator, pitch modulator or volume level). The possibilities for unique guitar effects are unequalled.

40 Superb Guitar Amplifier Models

AdrenaLinn III provides 40 accurate models of classic and modern guitar amps, as well as a few bass amps, 2 distortion boxes and even a tube mic preamp. With new enhancements for tube saturation simulation, the guitar amps modeled include Fender, Marshall, Vox, Mesa Boogie, Roland, Hiwatt, Soldano, Bogner, Deizel, Budda, Matchless, ENGL plus a number of custom Roger Linn Design amps for the more radical tones. Four bass amps are included from Acoustic, Ampeg, Gallien-Krueger and SWR. We also include Fuzz Tone and Octave Fuzz, as well as a simulated tube clean preamp for mic recording and full-frequency direct guitar tones. Download the AdrenaLinn III Users Manual for more details. The amps sound great on their own, but the sonic possibilities multiply when combined with AdrenaLinn III's Beat-Synched Filter Modulation and Delay effects.

Beat-Synched Delay and Delay Loops

Like the Beat-Synched Filter Modulation effects, AdrenaLinn III provides a Beat-Synched Audio Delay. Simply select a tempo-based delay setting--1/4 notes, dotted 1/8 notes, anything from 2 measures up to 1/32 note triplets--and the delay signal plays in perfect synch to the internal drumbeats or MIDI Clock. Set it to 1 or 2 measures (up to 2.8 seconds of delay) for our unique Delay Loops, which allow you to play chords on one bar, solo over them on the next bar as they play back , play new chords on the next bar over the last bar's solo, and on and on. A great inspirational tool.

Programmable Drum Machine

A great-sounding--and great-feeling--drum machine is included with 200 user-programmable drumbeats and over 40 sampled sounds. Two degrees of swing permit very natural-sounding grooves. Factory beats include Rock/Pop, 1/16 Note Grooves, Swing Grooves, Triplet Feels, Hip Hop, Electronica/Techno/Dance, World/Brazilian/Reggae/Latin, Jazz, Simple Counts and Processed Beats. Sounds include 9 kicks, 9 snare, 6 hihats, toms, ride, shaker, tambourine, congas, claps, triangle and cowbell. An additional simple guitar amp distortion simulator--independent of the amp models--provides great lo-fi sounds, and the drumbeats can also be routed through the reverb, delay or the entire guitar effects signal path for incredible-sounding processed beats.

Plus Reverb, Compression, Noise Gate and Tuner

The stereo-output reverb adds depth and fullness, the compressor adds sustain and is great for evening out the level of resonant modulated filter peaks, the Noise Gate has a flawless transparency with natural note decay, and the tuner rejects hum and noise to keep you in tune during live performance.

Audio Demos

How does it sound? Listen to these audio recordings of AdrenaLinn III in action. Except for the few album excerpts, these recordings are all played live (by Roger) with no overdubbing, recorded directly from the AdrenaLinn III's stereo outputs with no post-processing. The guitars used in the recordings were a Parker NiteFly (3 single-coil pickup Strat form factor), Les Paul Custom, Fender Telecaster with EMG Silver pickups, and a Fender Jazz Bass. A Behinger FCB1010 MIDI Foot Controller (with 2 expression pedals and 10 foot switches) was used in some recordings to control various sound parameters in real time. Check back--more audio examples are coming. We highly encourage members of the press (or anyone else) to use these in order to spread the word about AdrenaLinn III as far and wide as possible.

Oh--in addition the audio demos below, please take a listen to some customer recordings using A3.

Random Flanging
Random Flanging, arpeggios with drum arrangement (preset 116)
Random Flanging on soft guitar (preset 115)

Random Filter
Four examples of Random Filter (presets 104 through 107)
Random Filter with soft guitar (preset 107)
High gain solo with 1/8 note random filter (preset 111)
Excerpt from Brad Paisley's "You Need a Man Around Here" from the album "Time Well Wasted" made with Random Filter effect on original AdrenaLinn, same effect as on AdrenaLinn III. (Note to Brad Paisley: Do you mind if we use this excerpt?)

Random Tremolo
Random Tremolo sampler: Random 1/16 tremolo (preset 122), Random 1/16 volume spikes (preset 121), Random 1/16 volume spikes with distortion (preset 123).

Filter Sequences
Bassy filter spikes (preset 130)
Chord strum pop groove (preset 138)
High gain filter spikes (preset 126)
1/16 note power chord groove (preset 132)
Soft guitar arpeggios (preset 128)
Soft arpeggios & analog beat (preset 131)
Overdriven high-resonance filter sequence (preset 133)

Tremolo Sequences
Excerpt from Green Day's "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" from the album "American Idiot ". We haven't been able to get confirmation but the guitar effect sure sounds like the Beat-Synched Tremolo Sequence effect on AdrenaLinn II, which is unchanged in AdrenaLinn III. (Note to Green Day: Can you guys confirm this and do you mind if we use this excerpt?)
Tremolo Sequence sampler, part 1: Boulevard of Broken Dreams (preset 140), Synchopated 1/16 Spikes (preset 141), Reggae (preset 142), Accent on 2 & 4 (preset 143), Up & Down (preset 144).
Tremolo Sequence sampler, part 2: 1/16 Triplets (preset 145), 3+2+2 Rhythm (preset 146), Upsweeps (preset 147), Synchopated 1/8ths (preset 148) and Half-Pushed 1/8ths (preset 149).

Arpeggiator Sequences
Video of John Mayer performing his 2003 hit "Bigger Than My Body" which uses the original AdrenaLinn, and the same effect exists on AdrenaLinn III in preset 150.
Arpeggiator Sequence sampler, part 1: Bigger Than My Body (preset 150), E Harmonic Minor (preset 151), Ascending 5ths & 4ths (preset 153) and Pentatonic Up & Down (preset 154).
Arpeggiator Sequence sampler, part 2: Bass Line (preset 155), Lydian Mode (preset 158) and Ascending 4ths (preset 159).

Classic modulation effects, beat-synched
Tremolo sampler: 1/16 Note Tremolo (preset 60), 1/16 Note Stereo Spikes (preset 67) and Hall of Swells (preset 69).
Filter Tremolo sampler : 1/16 Note Filter Tremolo (preset 75), 4 Bar Sweeping Filter (preset 80) , Ping-Pong Filter Spikes (preset 82), Swept Wah High Gain Solo (preset 85) and 1/4 Note Filter Swells (preset 83).
Excerpt from Audioslave's song "Gasoline" from the album Audioslave, made with beat-synched tremolo effect on original AdrenaLinn, the same effect as on AdrenaLinn III. (Note to Audioslave: Do you mind if we use this excerpt?)
Excerpt from Audioslave's song "Like a Stone" from the album Audioslave, made with beat-synched tremolo effect on original AdrenaLinn, the same effect as on AdrenaLinn III. (Note to Audioslave: Do you mind if we use this excerpt?)

Clean amp tones
Fender Bassman Clean (preset 0, drumbeat 1)

Distortion amp tones
Fender Deluxe Reverb, cranked a little (preset 16)
Fender Bassman, clean to overdriven (preset 39)
Marshall Plexi, crunch chords (preset 30)
Marshall Plexi, solo (preset 30)
Vox AC30, arpeggiated chords (preset 35)

High Gain amp tones
High gain amp sampler: Marshall JCM800, Marshall JCM2000, Boogie Dual Rectifier, Soldano SLO-100, Bogner Uberschall and Diezel VH4 (presets 40 through 45).

Distortion boxes
Octave Fuzz (preset 51)

Bass amps
Bass amp sampler: The same bass line played with presets 52 through 59: Acoustic 360, Ampeg SVT, Gallien-Krueger 800RB, SWR SM-500, Fender Bassman, Marshall JCM45, Funk Bass and Fretless Bass.

Auto Wah and Talk Box
Auto Wah sampler: Auto Wah (preset 160), Slow Opening Auto Wah (preset 162), Peak Hold Auto Filter (preset 163), High Gain amp with Slow Opening Auto Filter (preset 165) and High Gain amp with Peak Hold Auto Filter (preset 166).
Talk Box sampler: Talk Box (preset 168), Slow Opening Talk Box (preset 172), Note-Triggered Chorus (preset 173) and High Gain amp with Talk Box (preset 174).

Delay Loops
Delay loop, fast country (preset 178, drumbeat 57)
Delay loop, slow metal (preset 179)

Weird & Sci-Fi
Weird & Sci-Fi sampler: Spaceships taking off (preset 180), Rubber Band String (preset 181), Sample & Hold Oscillator (preset 182), Note-Activated Whistling (preset 183) and Mangled Notes (preset 184).

Drumbeats sampler
Rock/Pop 1/8 Note Beats
Rock/Pop 1/16 Note Beats
1/16 Note Swing Grooves
1/8 Note Triplet Beats
Hip Hop
Techno, Electronica, Dance
World, Brazilian, Reggae, Latin
Processed Drumbeats

Easy to Use

With all of AdrenaLinn III's tremendous capabilities, it's surprisingly easy to use. To play one of the 200 presets or 200 drumbeats, simply browse the printed Preset & Drumbeat Listing manual, turn the PRESET and DRUMBEAT knobs to select them, then press START to play the selected drumbeat.

To adjust any of the modulation, amp, delay, compression or reverb settings that make up a preset, simply find the desired setting in the parameter matrix on the front panel, press the UP or DOWN arrow buttons to light the light next to it, then turn the knob above it. That’s it.

Achieving unique modulation and filter effect sounds is also easy with our Mod Effect and Variation controls. First select a Mod Effect type from the 18 choices printed on the left side of the panel, then select 1 of up to 21 variations for the selected effect type. All of the other detail settings are filled in for you, but can be subsequently adjusted to taste. For example, you might set Mod Effect to Random Filter, then select the Variation called 1/8 Note Random Swept Filter. If desired, you can fine-tune the effect by adjusting the Filter Frequency, Attack/Decay Time, Resonance, FX/Dry Mix or other settings, but you don't need to.

Upgrade any AdrenaLinn I or II to AdrenaLinn III

If you own an AdrenaLinn or AdrenaLinn II, you can purchase our AdrenaLinn III Upgrade Kit for only US$99 to convert your unit to a fully-functional AdrenaLinn III.

Computer Editor Available from SoundTower

The SoundTower company has created an AdrenaLinn III Editor for Mac and Windows. This permits remote graphic editing, saving and loading of all AdrenaLinn III settings at a low cost. A free lite version is available for download that converts AdrenaLinn II preset and drumbeat files to AdrenaLinn III format. For more information, visit

Note: The company and product names shown above are owned by their respective companies and are in no way affiliated with us. They are printed here only to indicate the excellent guitar amps and synthesizer filters we used to inspire the sounds we created for the AdrenaLinn III.
Dave Smith is afgehaakt. Roger Lin is nog wel bezig met iets meer juist het hybride was iets me heel erg (in theorie) aansprak.

Update - December 17, 2009:

Not too much to say but I wanted to post an update. As I mentioned below, Dave and I learned along the way that his customers want a different product than mine, and it's too expensive in today's economy to make one product that pleases both. So I'm working on one or more products that, while different from the early LinnDrum II designs shown below, will be powerful, creative and not too expensive. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I can't give any product details or release date estimates, but I (and also Dave, by the way) won't be showing any such product at NAMM. (Roger Linn Design no longer exhibits at trade shows anyway because I don't think they make much sense in the internet era.) Regarding Dave's product plans, I can't speak for him but it wouldn't hurt to visit his site periodically, if for no other reason than he makes some very fine products. When I have any interesting updates, I promise to post them here.

iig istie er wel nog mee bezig / en vindtie t niet erg dat je dave zn site bezoekthehe:kroon:
Het project is gecancelled, dus ik denk ook niet dat er ooit veel rumoer zal komen.
Jammer, een nieuwe LinnDrum zou wel cool geweest zijn.
Oei echt waar? Da's jammer.... Ik kan er niets over op de website vinden.

Dave Smith is al een tijd geleden uit het project gestapt, hij is te druk met de ontwikkeling van nieuwe synths en denkt dat de huidige markt/ economie te moeilijk is voor verkoop van deze bak.

Linn houdt de opties duidelijk open om op een gegeven moment met zijn versie te komen, zonder de DSI synth erin. (Dit is nog steeds te lezen op de Linn site...;))
Ah, de Roger Linn site had ik nog niet bekeken. Er is dus nog enige hoop voor een digitale versie....
Ah, de Roger Linn site had ik nog niet bekeken. Er is dus nog enige hoop voor een digitale versie....

Yep, op de DSI site stond trouwens lange tijd een eigen toelichting, maar die is blijkbaar al als 'oude koe' weggehaald... :walker:
Dave Smith is al een tijd geleden uit het project gestapt, hij is te druk met de ontwikkeling van nieuwe synths en denkt dat de huidige markt/ economie te moeilijk is voor verkoop van deze bak.

Dat kan ik me dus neit voorstellen, op ieder muziek gerelateerd forum wat ik bezoek is iedereen diep teleurgesteld over het uitblijven van dit apparaat. Zo ver ik kan zien was er meer dan genoeg intresse, uit zo wel de hiphop hoek als electronische hoek. Ik vind het maar een vaag verhaal iig. :erm: