Gandavon - Listening for hope


Lid sinds
21 juli 2007
"Listening for hope" has been finished and uploaded!
Release date: approx. March 18th.
This was a tough nut to crack. I feel very comfortable making symphonic, melodic, epic, a little retro-ish electronic music but you mustn't get stuck in the past nor stick to one trick I think. I felt challenged (in a good way) by other artists' excellent recent releases (to name two: John Beagley Music and Timo Rozendal ) and decided to take a step towards incorporating vocals, more guitar, a little prog and some modern beats to explore new textures while looking for the right tone and atmosphere for a project later this year with guitarist Erik Bentum.
The mix was difficult enough, but I think I managed to get the rather modern drive of the bass and beats and yet retain the open, dynamic sound I personally like.
I also looked to use AI image creation to make the album cover. It's not as easy as it seems at first. I had to go through lots of renders until I got something that wasn't "off" in some way. A little editing in photoshop later and the cover you see is the result.
All in all the album breathes my personal search for hope; in things I see, hear, perceive. Like a little fox in the undergrowth, listening for what stirs around him...a praying falcon, hanging still in the wind...adjusting his position continuously and ever so slightly, keeping its eyes fixed on the field below...or a medieval monk in his cell, quietly communing with God, hoping for the little girl he administered medicine to to mend...a scientist, feverishly working long hours with his gaze piercing what goes on in preparations through a microscope, searching for that solution, that cure that still eludes him...a peace activist in his cell, waiting for the belching of guns to cease and a cry of freedom to rise...
HOPE! (Sorry voor het Engels ppl, maar ik promoot veel op buitenlandse sites en pagina's. En Engels kunnen jullie vást wel. ;) )


  • GAND cover Listening for hope kopiëren AMUSE.jpg
    GAND cover Listening for hope kopiëren AMUSE.jpg
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Nog drie dagen.... Het zou mooi zijn als iemand me zou kunnen vertellen onder welke noemer, welke stijl ik dit moet plaatsen. Ik denk "prog rock", naar aanleiding van de enigszins Tangerine Dream achtige gitaren etc. Maar ik weet het niet zo goed en mensen hebben zo graag simpele labels. (En websites ook...grom)
Chaps! Nu kun je luisteren naar Listening to hope!
Ook op Youtube te vinden. Bijvoorbeeld: