MC-202 CPU upgrade

Zopas aangekondigd met teaser pcb en voorlopige feature lijst:


Long story short: after decades of waiting for a solution to the various problems of the MC-202 there's a definitive mod coming out soon, which will consist of a new CPU developed by Tubbutec. Features:
  • Fix for CV in lag, no more need to cut tracks and drill holes.
  • Internal memory for sequencer, will preserve sequences after shutdown.
  • Pattern based sequencer similar to the sh1oh1 mod with live chaining, song mode etc. but with 2 simultaneous tracks (1 internal, 1 external, same as original). Sysex dump and load for patterns.
  • Midi I/O in addition to dinsync, no extra ports needed
  • Midi to 2x CV/Gate converter with built-in ports.
  • Extra modulations (LFOs and envelopes) via MIDI CC, similar to sh1oh1 mod.
  • Optional OLED screen replacement.
  • Reversible: new CPU is socketed, you can revert to original CPU if you want the quirks back.
  • Compatible with analog mods if you have any already installed.
The mod will need SMD soldering to replace he old CPU with the socket, but at pitch 1mm it's definitely doable by any competent electronics tech.
They will soon start a crowdfunding campaign so we need to show as much support as possible. I've opened a thread in GS so you can show your interest in this mod by voting the poll. Thanks for contributing:

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Ja leuk. Ik neem aan dat de socket nog gaat komen. Prototype foto lijkt gesoldeerd.

iemand die weet op welke chip ze draaien? Op foto is dat niet zichtbaar.
De connectoren zijn voor oa midi en oled.
Laatst gewijzigd:
socket? waarom? ik denk niet dat er plaats voor is, en dat er sockets bestaan hiervoor

Post nr 1 van dit topic
  • Reversible: new CPU is socketed, you can revert to original CPU if you want the quirks back.
Het zal toch wel een zware operatie worden. Ik ga het zeker door een goede reparateur laten uitvoeren.
Originally Posted by tubbutec
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since there is a lot of speculation here (some of it remarkably close to truth) I thought I'd 'leak' some info. MC-2oh2 is still in development, so things might change, but this is the basic concept:

This list is far from complete and I will add to it when questions arise or changes are being made.


The new sequencer is similar to the 1oh1 sequencer, with some features added:
  • Step based. Clock divider can be set to 16th, 8th, 3/16th, ...
  • Notes can have shorter lengths, but will always stay in the timing grid.
  • Each note can also have the following attributes:
    • Accent
    • Filter Accent
    • Noise Accent (see below)
    • Portamento
    • 4 different lengths
    • Portamento on same pitched notes creates longer notes..
    • Any combination of the above
    • Or rest
  • The pattern editor can delete notes and insert new notes
  • Patterns can play forward, backward, ping pong and random
  • You can program up to 32 patterns, each up to 64 notes long
  • Patterns can be copied and edited
  • Patterns can be chained to a song. Songs can be programmed live, even while an other song is playing.
  • now it gets interesting
  • Each of the three channels (A,B and drums) has its own independent sequencer, patterns and songs. You can start, stop and edit each channel independently. Of course patterns can have different lengths, so polyrythms are possible. But you can also use this to have e.g. a 16 note melody and 64 note baseline.
  • Sequencer data can be saved in EEPROM and recalled. Different 'sets' are possible.
  • When playing sequences, you can also add modifiers (Accent, etc.) live
  • Song/Pattern start synced to bar start
  • You can play on the internal keyboard, via midi or via external CV/Gate.
  • You can add modifiers (accent, etc) when playing as well
  • Internal keyboard can be transposes up and down to cover the whole 5 octave range

  • Additional noise waveform triggerable in the sequencer
  • additional Filter LFO, ADSR and ACCENT
  • midi filter control
  • LFO, ADSR and midi control for PW (pulse width)
  • Software controlled direct CV (routes CV-in to the VCO directly)
  • Tape in is trigger input
  • Optional support for microtuning via an
  • Midi in and out using the existing DIN-connectors
  • DIN in and out function remains
  • Sysex dump of sequencer data
  • control: filter cutoff, pw, additional LFOs and ADSRs, accent parameters, etc.
  • Midi note on/off (obviously)
  • Midi clock input
  • Midi output on different channels supports sequencer notes, as well as a channel for the internal keyboard)
  • Clock sources: DIN-Sync, Midi-Sync trigger
  • Conversion from midi to din and din to midi
  • mast and slave modes with bpm detection
An optional OLED display replacement will be offered. The display module replaces the button pcb and also has the advantage of better button behavior. The original button board creates 'ghost presses' if more than 2 buttons are pressed, this is not an issue with the new board.

The OLED displays a lot more info than the LCD could ever do. Pattern lengths, song lengths and positions and so on. You can see this in the videos posted above.

MC-2oh2 replaces the original CPU. This is a 1mm pitch SMD chip. Replacing it requires some SMD skill and tools, but is surprisingly simple. We will provide detailed instructions and a video. Most synths techs will be able to do this and we will arrange a list of qualified techs around the world.
Waar halen ze die noise vandaan? Zat dat al op de oscillator chip inclusief audio pad aangesloten? Of is dat iets digitaals? Wel mooi verder dat het er op zit digitaal of niet. Ook strak dat je de PW digitaal kunt controleren. Ik dacht dat dat altijd analoog vanuit de LFO of de envelope kwam. Cutoff heeft natuurlijk ook te maken met de digitale accenten dus dat volg ik nog wel.
Gaat er zeker komen denk ik.
Waar halen ze die noise vandaan? Zat dat al op de oscillator chip inclusief audio pad aangesloten? Of is dat iets digitaals? Wel mooi verder dat het er op zit digitaal of niet. Ook strak dat je de PW digitaal kunt controleren. Ik dacht dat dat altijd analoog vanuit de LFO of de envelope kwam. Cutoff heeft natuurlijk ook te maken met de digitale accenten dus dat volg ik nog wel.
Gaat er zeker komen denk ik.

Volgens mij zit er geen noise op een cem 3340. Maar kan mij vergissen. Rest nieuwe functies voor gedeelte wel. Zoals pwm etc.

Maar ik weet het nog niet of ik dit ga doen. Oude proc zou wel eens nog steeds sneller kunnen zijn.
Tobi heeft er mooi werk van gemaakt. Als bonus nog de 8bit tape out gebruikt voor drumsamples. Dik hoor!

Quote Tobi;
Release Date and progress:

There is no release date yet.

At the moment we have the hardware basically finished. We have most parts in stock already, but are still waiting for a few, so we can start productions.
In times of part shortage this alone means that we have no release date! if even a single parts is missing, we can not go into production and ship kits.

The software is at a point where it is quite usable, but we still want to include a few more features and of course do beta-testing and bug fixing.
If all goes well, this will take a few months. However the past two years (Covid, supply issues, war) have shown, that disruptions are likely. If we need to stay at home and look after our kids, we can not work on code. If we need days just to find a source for a part, we can not code, having to redesign an existing product? No work on MC2oh2.


Drum Samples
Yes, there are LOFI drum samples coming from the TAPE OUT (and from the little built-in speaker if you like). You can define Accent, Reverse, Double speed and half speed modifiers for each step.
BUT: This is really more a little add-on, not a full on feature. For this very reason I had not advertised it at all. It is monophonic, has only little sample memory and is 8-bit LOFI and crunchy. Please don't expect anything else. The feature is a lot of fun, but it is probably best to just see it as a replacement for the annoying metronome sound of the original.
It may be possible to upload your own samples eventually, but this is not a feature we will have ready at release.
BTW: The 3rd channel CAN be used normally like the two other channels and can output note data via MIDI!

Firmware updates
The firmware can of course be updated via MIDI (Sysex)

We are working on an installation guide which will be finished soon. The installation requires tools and skills common in SMD rework (hot-air, soldering techniques,...) to replace the CPU itself, the other installation steps involve basic THT soldering skills. Yes, we will allow you to install the kit yourself
, but it'S strongly recommended to have the needed skills beforehand and not practice on your 202.

Derivatives, new synths and RE-202
Several people are working on the RE-202 - a MC-202 replica. It is very likely it will come with our MC-2oh2 chip, the only alternative is to use an original CPU and button/display assembly from a broken (or 2oh2-turned) 202.

There will also be a 4-channel Eurorack version of the 2oh2 engine, you can see a prototype on Superbooth videos/pictures. (Display won't be green). It includes 4-channel CV/gate + Midi I/O, and several outputs for modulation and envelopes. No name yet.

It is also possible that we offer a small mono synth with the engine at some point, but there is nothing concrete at the moment.