Renoise 2.8 Beta


Lid sinds
22 Maart 2005
Ooooooh... fijne updates weer!

Dear Robbie van Reen,

--- Renoise 2.8 Beta

A new beta version of Renoise is available to registered users from the
Renoise backstage:

The current version is 2.8 Beta 2: it has already been tested by forum
regulars. If this is the first time you've heard of 2.8, then we would like
to ask for your help in further testing and fine-tuning Renoise during the
beta cycle.

--- Renoise 2.8 features:

Renoise 2.8 adds 64-bit support for all platforms and concentrates on
workflow improvements in various aspects.

* For a complete rundown of the new features, have a look at the
Renoise 2.8 launch page: *

Full 64-bit Support
- 64-bit versions for all platforms: Windows, OSX and Linux
- Plug-in bridge allows 32-bit plug-ins to be used within 64-bit Renoise
- Full Rewire 64-bit support

Reworked Pattern Matrix with Slot Aliases
- Alias individual pattern slots in the matrix, i.e. treat them like clips
- Edit one slot and have changes propagate to all other aliases
- Quickly clone or alias slots by dragging their edges
- Use section headers to group parts of the song together

Track Groups & Collapsing
- Group tracks into logical units, collapse them for better overview
- Flexible routing of group tracks
- Collapsed tracks use minimal space, while still providing a quick overview
- Pattern effects in groups will affect all member tracks simultaneously
- Automatically collapse all tracks except the one you are focussing on
- Color code tracks with adjustable background colors

DSP Effects and Meta Devices
- New DSP Multitap delay for spaced out filtered echo madness
- New DSP Repeater for st-st-st-stuttery goodness
- New DSP Exciter to make your mixes sparkle
- New Meta Mixer allowing blending of modulation signals into one output
- Improved EQs with bigger graphs and all values can be automated
- Improved Send devices, which can now be individually panned
- New and improved crossover filters for the Multi Send device

Sample Editor
- Left & right channels can be edited separately
- Zoom level & current selection are remembered per sample
- Significantly faster sample loading
- Destructively render slices to individual samples
- Improved keyboard and mouse selection handling
- Improved marker and waveform display visibility
- New and improved processing tools (mute selection, insert silence,
invert phase, swap stereo channels and cross-fading loop creator)

Improved Spectrum View
- New Phase Correlation Meter in Phase Scope
- Side-by-side comparison of two tracks in the spectrum view
- New drawing modes: Filled Curve, Bar and Spectrogram
- Configurable frequency scaling, precision, peak fall rate, and slope

Pattern Effects
- Pattern effects in the master or group tracks will affect all member tracks
- Up to 34 DSP devices can be addressed via pattern commands 1xyy-Yxyy
- New pattern effects: Tremolo, Auto Pan, Set Envelope Position
- Logical mnemonics for pattern effects from A to Z instead of cryptic numbers

Performance Improvements
- Hyper-threading support for new Intel i5 and i7 CPUs and others
- Various audio engine speed optimizations for all platforms

Other Workflow Improvements
- New Favorites system for plug-ins and native DSP devices
- Expandable and detachable Envelope Editor
- Memorize last used bank/preset paths per plug-in
- Automatically name rendered songs/patterns
- Right-side modifier keys are no longer hard-coded
- Finer control over note distribution when dragging samples into keyzones
- Improved color picker with saveable swatches
- Context menus overhauled and made more consistent

and much more...

--- The Renoise Team