Modcan MIDICV 63-A/B

Modcan heeft ook een Midi interface gemaakt. Zijn hoofddoel was eenvoud en daarom is hij met een midi interface gekomen met 11 modes.

Momenteel is ie alleen in het A formaat beschikbaar, maar hij zal ook in B beschikbaar komen. $ 600

Met een draaiknop kun je een van de 11 modes selecteren. Geen extra LFOs, alleen maar midi to cv, dus volgens Duncan zelf super snel en super stabiel over 10 octaven (+/-0.01%)

Zie volledig bericht voor beschrijving van de modes.

Module Highlights:

4 Pitch CV outs 0-10V
4 Gates +5V or +10V user selectable set by jumpers
4 Continuous Controller Outs 0-5V
11 modes of operation (see list below for mode details)
Panel adjustment of Pitch Bend amount
10 octave range with +/-1 Octave pitch bend for 12 Octaves overall.
16 bit high accuracy DAC (INL = +/- 3LSB (+/-0.0005V)
4 x LEDs for gate status and binary mode indicator (Green)
1 x Midi activity indicator LED (Red)
Midi Clock out divided to 1/16th note for syncing external analogue
sequencers etc.
Base Channel switch selectable between Ch1-4 or Ch5-8
Midi In and thru jacks
Arp Style Duophonic mode. Actually a much better implementation than
the original Arp version with better playability.
Low current consumption 65mA@+15V, 10mA@-15V
The price for the 63A+B will be $600 USD

Modcan MIDI2CV Mode List:

Mode 0: 1-channel monophonic with flexible controls & CCs
CV1/Gate1: chl1/5 monophonic with 2-note rollover, no gate retrigger
CV2: Modwheel
CV3: Velocity
CV4: Channel Aftertouch
Gate 2-4: CC65-67 on/off
CC1-4: CC12,13,14,15

Mode 1: 4-channel monophonic with CCs
CV1-4/Gate1-4: chl1-4/5-8 monophonic w/ 2-note rollover, no gate retrig
CC1-4: chl1-4 CC1-4 Modwheel or CC#1

Mode 2: 4-channel monophonic with velocity
CV1-4/Gate1-4: chl1-4/5-8 monophonic w/ 2-note rollover, no gate retrig
CC1-4: chl1-4/5-8 Velocity

Mode 3: 1-channel 2-note polyphonic with flexible controls & CCs
CV1-2/Gate1-2: 2-note poly on chl1/5
CV3: Mod Wheel
CV4: channel aftertouch
CC1-2: Note1-2 velocity
CC3-4: CC12-13

Mode 4: 2-channel 2-note polyphonic with CCs
CV1-2/Gate1-2: 2-note poly on chl1/5
CV3-4/Gate3-4: 2-note poly on chl2/6
CC1-4: chl1-Modwheel, 12 /chl2-Modwheel, 12

Mode 5: 1-channel 3-note polyphonic with CCs
CV1-3, Gate 1-3 : 3 polyphonic notes/gates
CV4 : Mod Wheel
Gate 4 : CC65
CC1-4 : CC12-15

Mode 6: 1-channel 4-note polyphonic with CCs
CV1-4/Gate1-4: 4-note poly on chl1/5
CC1-4: CC1,12,13,14

Mode 7: 1-channel 4-note polyphonic with velocity
CV1-4/Gate1-4: 4-note poly on chl1/5
CC1-4: 4-note velocity

Mode 8: Duophonic split
CV1-2/Gate1: chl1/5 Arp-style duophonic
CV3: Velocity
CV4: Channel Aftertouch
Gate 2-4: CC65-67 on/off
CC1-4: CC1,12,13,14

Mode 9: All CCs
CV1-4: chl1/5 CC1, 12,13,14
CC1-4: chl1/5 CC 15,16,17,18
Gate1-4: chl1/5 CC65-68 on/off

Mode 10: 1 octave trigger/gates only
CV1: chl1/5 C 0/5V
CV2: chl1/5 C# 0/5V
CV3: chl1/5 D 0/5V
CV4: chl1/5 D# 0/5V
CC1: chl1/5 E 0/5V
CC3: chl1/5 F 0/5V
Gate1: chl1/5 F#-B 0/5V
Gate2: chl1/5 G-B 0/5V
Gate3: chl1/5 G#-B 0/5V
Gate4: chl1/5 A-B 0/5V
CC2: chl1/5 A# 0/5V
CC4: chl1/5 B 0/5V


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Modcan heeft ook een Midi interface gemaakt. Zijn hoofddoel was eenvoud en daarom is hij met een midi interface gekomen met 11 modes.

Momenteel is ie alleen in het A formaat beschikbaar, maar hij zal ook in B beschikbaar komen. $ 600

Met een draaiknop kun je een van de 11 modes selecteren. Geen extra LFOs, alleen maar midi to cv, dus volgens Duncan zelf super snel en super stabiel over 10 octaven (+/-0.01%)

Zie volledig bericht voor beschrijving van de modes.

Module Highlights:

4 Pitch CV outs 0-10V
4 Gates +5V or +10V user selectable set by jumpers
4 Continuous Controller Outs 0-5V
11 modes of operation (see list below for mode details)
Panel adjustment of Pitch Bend amount
10 octave range with +/-1 Octave pitch bend for 12 Octaves overall.
16 bit high accuracy DAC (INL = +/- 3LSB (+/-0.0005V)
4 x LEDs for gate status and binary mode indicator (Green)
1 x Midi activity indicator LED (Red)
Midi Clock out divided to 1/16th note for syncing external analogue
sequencers etc.
Base Channel switch selectable between Ch1-4 or Ch5-8
Midi In and thru jacks
Arp Style Duophonic mode. Actually a much better implementation than
the original Arp version with better playability.
Low current consumption 65mA@+15V, 10mA@-15V
The price for the 63A+B will be $600 USD

Modcan MIDI2CV Mode List:

Mode 0: 1-channel monophonic with flexible controls & CCs
CV1/Gate1: chl1/5 monophonic with 2-note rollover, no gate retrigger
CV2: Modwheel
CV3: Velocity
CV4: Channel Aftertouch
Gate 2-4: CC65-67 on/off
CC1-4: CC12,13,14,15

Mode 1: 4-channel monophonic with CCs
CV1-4/Gate1-4: chl1-4/5-8 monophonic w/ 2-note rollover, no gate retrig
CC1-4: chl1-4 CC1-4 Modwheel or CC#1

Mode 2: 4-channel monophonic with velocity
CV1-4/Gate1-4: chl1-4/5-8 monophonic w/ 2-note rollover, no gate retrig
CC1-4: chl1-4/5-8 Velocity

Mode 3: 1-channel 2-note polyphonic with flexible controls & CCs
CV1-2/Gate1-2: 2-note poly on chl1/5
CV3: Mod Wheel
CV4: channel aftertouch
CC1-2: Note1-2 velocity
CC3-4: CC12-13

Mode 4: 2-channel 2-note polyphonic with CCs
CV1-2/Gate1-2: 2-note poly on chl1/5
CV3-4/Gate3-4: 2-note poly on chl2/6
CC1-4: chl1-Modwheel, 12 /chl2-Modwheel, 12

Mode 5: 1-channel 3-note polyphonic with CCs
CV1-3, Gate 1-3 : 3 polyphonic notes/gates
CV4 : Mod Wheel
Gate 4 : CC65
CC1-4 : CC12-15

Mode 6: 1-channel 4-note polyphonic with CCs
CV1-4/Gate1-4: 4-note poly on chl1/5
CC1-4: CC1,12,13,14

Mode 7: 1-channel 4-note polyphonic with velocity
CV1-4/Gate1-4: 4-note poly on chl1/5
CC1-4: 4-note velocity

Mode 8: Duophonic split
CV1-2/Gate1: chl1/5 Arp-style duophonic
CV3: Velocity
CV4: Channel Aftertouch
Gate 2-4: CC65-67 on/off
CC1-4: CC1,12,13,14

Mode 9: All CCs
CV1-4: chl1/5 CC1, 12,13,14
CC1-4: chl1/5 CC 15,16,17,18
Gate1-4: chl1/5 CC65-68 on/off

Mode 10: 1 octave trigger/gates only
CV1: chl1/5 C 0/5V
CV2: chl1/5 C# 0/5V
CV3: chl1/5 D 0/5V
CV4: chl1/5 D# 0/5V
CC1: chl1/5 E 0/5V
CC3: chl1/5 F 0/5V
Gate1: chl1/5 F#-B 0/5V
Gate2: chl1/5 G-B 0/5V
Gate3: chl1/5 G#-B 0/5V
Gate4: chl1/5 A-B 0/5V
CC2: chl1/5 A# 0/5V
CC4: chl1/5 B 0/5V

geen 10 volt trigger bv voor moog ?