Making Music with the 566 by Thomas Henry


Cheff Noodle
Lid sinds
9 mei 2002
Magic Smoke heeft weer een boek van Thomas Henry in pdf uitgebracht

Making Music with the 566 by Thomas Henry

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thomas henry dat niet van soon obscure soort look alike meet apparatuur modulair ,..kheb een keer plaatje zien ron-d zwerven die heete hebry [d8 romeinse cijfers erachter ]

iig specs filtertje wel ok

snap alleen dat fase verhaal niet soo ,..en watt nut ervan is ?
op en mixer deo je om verschil te luierenis t meestal 180

NEW! See the Thomas Henry designs forum on

Designed by well known synth DIY guru Thomas Henry, the TH-201 is a low-pass VCF with some unusual operating modes. Magic Smoke will be producing printed circuit boards (PCBs) which can provide up to eight outputs. With the Resonance control turned all the way up, these filters will self-oscillate, operating as multi-phase LFOs or VCOs.

Both DC-coupled and AC-coupled inputs are available. The DC-coupled inputs allow the TH-201 to operate as a voltage-controlled lag processor (slew limiter). All outputs are buffered and have standard 1k impedance.

The PCB will be available for do-it-yourselfers. Magic Smoke hopes to provide front panels and kits in Euro Rack and Frac Rack panel formats, though nothing is certain until you see an actual product for sale, here.

The Mankato covers a very wide frequency range -- around 0.005Hz (200 seconds/cycle) to beyond 20kHz without range switches. Changing the timing capacitors can provide extended low frequency operation.

TH-201/4 configuration
• 12 and 24 dB outputs
• inverted 12 and 24 dB outputs
• 90 degrees of phase difference between each output
• quadrature sine wave oscillator

TH-201/8 configuration
• 6, 12, 18, and 24 dB outputs
• inverted 6, 12, 18, and 24 dB outputs
• 45 degrees of phase difference between each output
• 8-phase sine wave oscillator

TH-201 printed circuit board
This board can be used to make /4, /8 or other configurations TBA
Eurorack kit including front panel, parts, and PCB TBA
Frac Rack kit including front panel, parts, and PCB

pfoe hey ; schrok al gelukkig ook in doepfer format ,....

:okdan: :engel: :bekdicht:
TH-201/4 configuration
• 12 and 24 dB outputs
• inverted 12 and 24 dB outputs
• 90 degrees of phase difference between each output
• quadrature sine wave oscillator

TH-201/8 configuration
• 6, 12, 18, and 24 dB outputs
• inverted 6, 12, 18, and 24 dB outputs
• 45 degrees of phase difference between each output
• 8-phase sine wave oscillator

ik bedoel dsu dit
t ene model filter heeft een 45% graden verschil
andere 90 ...huh
ik dacht dat t alleen nut heeft asjet totaal tegen overgesteld kan maken / en weer terug
[kzaljenietmeer pesten !]

De 566'en liggen klaar. Was nog lastig om die te krijgen. Nu ben ik er alleen nog niet uit of ik er TH VCO's mee ga maken of toch dingen uit z'n Drum Cookbook...