OS Update Monomachine 1.08


Lid sinds
23 november 2005
Nieuwe OS voor MonoMachine!

List of changes from Monomachine OS 1.07 "Karin" to 1.08 "Malin"


-- General --

Import filter for defective patterns made in OS v1.06 is improved on
request from several users.

Notes trigged while multi trig is transposing the pattern
are not transposed and do not influence the pattern after
they are released.

Entering chords using a keyboard no longer sorts the notes.

CLEAR MIDI LOCKS and CLEAR NOTE LOCKS no longer clears the notes
only the locks.

-- Midi sequencer --

External MIDI or the keyboard has priority over the internal
sequencer in all modes.

-- Arpeggiator --

Notes from the sequencer were sent in the opposite order that they
were entered. This has been changed so that they are sent in the true
order that they are entered in. This also changes the order of the notes
played in the arpeggiator 'true' mode. To fix this a filter has been
added to update all your old patterns so that they sound as before.

The arpeggiator has been remodeled. The old behaviour starting the
arpeggio at the second note entered in 'true','up' and 'cycle' mode, has
been replaced with starting at the first note entered.
A filter has been added to update all your arpeggio settings for 'true' and
'up' mode so that they sound the same.

There is a new parameter 'OJMP' that tells the sequencer where in the
arpeggiator chord the Octave jump is made.

'0' means after the full chord has played.
'1' means one step before the end of the chord.
'2' means two steps before the end of the chord.
'15' means fifteen steps before the end of the chord.


-- General --

Removing chord notes in the wrong order could mess up the chords of
the following notes. Fixed.

Blinking locks LEDs were updated too soon when playing and changing
between patterns. Fixed.

Page copy of a track did not copy amp trigs if the destination was
page 3 or 4. Fixed.

Clear swing only cleared the first 32 steps. Fixed.

Undo Pattern/Track could be written in the wrong pattern if a pattern chain
or a song was playing. Fixed.

Pasting tracks with locks could result in loss of some locks. Fixed.

Trig track: Legato amp on/off function was reversed. Fixed.

-- Multi Trig --

When changing pattern while still playing a key on multitrig the kit
might not update correctly. Fixed.

-- Pattern Mode --

Patterns with sliding parameters to a locked note that wraps around the
pattern end would remain locked in the next pattern, for example in a
pattern chain. Fixed.

Swing on the first step did not work the first lap. Fixed.

Slidetime was not affected by swing. Fixed.

-- Song Mode --

Moving the Song pointer position with an external source could cause
track transpose from the last pattern to remain in the new pattern. Fixed.

Changing the song was not possible without pressing stop twice in
between. Fixed.

-- Midi sequencer --

The Midi note length from the last pattern was used in the next pattern
if the new length was not locked. Fixed.

Midi LFOs sometimes sent wrong values on PB and CC. Fixed.

Hier is de Nieuwe OS
Net gedownload!

Als ik tijd heb ga ik mijn monomachine backuppen en hem dr op zetten :)
