Tracktion 2 update


Anonieme Analogist
Lid sinds
17 januari 2003
Mijn eigen kleine universum
New Tracktion 2 Update Available!

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Greetings Tracktioneer...

Great news! We just released a new Tracktion 2 update: version This latest update includes several great feature enhancements and bug fixes, including:

International language support: Tracktion 2 can now display all elements of its program in French, German and Spanish in addition to English.
New render track dialog: Choosing render track in the “export” function now opens a dialog window allowing detailed control over the sample rate, sample size, and file type of the render.
New group soloing functionality: Soloing a source track fed to a group will also solo the group. Soloing a group now solos all tracks fed to that group.
Custom naming ability to audio outputs: Users can now add custom alias names for their hardware outputs, not just inputs — particularly useful for Mac OS 10.4’s “Aggregate device” function.
Fixed issue on Mac with Waves plug-ins crashing T2 during the plug-in scan.
Fixed issue with Delete Marked region across all tracks inserting automation points.
Fixed issue with MIDI data not working well with external MIDI hardware. This fixes complaints of doubled notes, dropped notes, or bad timing when sending MIDI to external MIDI hardware.
And many more...