MPC4000 OS 1.71

zijn er nog mensen hier die japans kunnen?!?
zou de verbeteringen willen weten
oe dit is altijd nicccccccccccee :dj:
... ff nieuws uitbrengen op mpc-forums. misschien kunne ze daar vertalen.. :eureka:
ff vaag doen:

"Something about Memory to CD EJECT

Something about TRIM Sample to small.

The first thing I notice is that the redraw speed in program mode seems to be greatly improved. Selecting samples while the sequencer is playing no longer seems a big deal for the MPC here. Can anyone confirm this?"

=) =) =)
"Please see as following memo about V1.71.

1. Crash when deleting sequences in SONG page in certain circumstances.
2. In the SONG page, continually copying & pasting a 999Bar sequence could
cause a crash.
3. Slow behavior of EDIT PROGRAM page during the sequence playback (with
using Internal voices).
4. There was no EJECT button in the MEMORY TO CD function screen.
5. St/End point of the sample made by S5/6000 cannot be correctly loaded.
6. E-MU format sample cannot be correctly loaded.
7. When performing DELETE SECTION of a sample, if the section selected was
the full length of the sample, a zero-length sample could be created (it had
no audio data). In version 1.71, this now displays “This process cannot be
completed as the
resultant sample will be too small”.
8. When Auto Load is set to “ON”, startup with only one IDE device (HDD or
CD-RW etc) is very long. The startup time in this situation has been

Note:Addendum operator’s manual for V1.71 will not be issued.

Best Regards,
It fixes alot of bugs mainly that is all for now. that just the way it is. Very Happy"
