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Yusynth Modular Synthesizer System

800 Euro
Zo goed als nieuw


Japans voor 'Herfstwind'
Lid sinds
26 oktober 2004
Midden Nederland
Unique Yusynth Modular Synthesizer System assembled by the legendary Jos van Ras. The Yusynth was designed by Yves Usson, a French biologist who also designed the analogue electronics of the Arturia MiniBrute. Revised by Jos van Ras in summer 2022. Lfo 2 slow mode has been sacrified during the revision but a 1 to 100 Hz range is still available. For rates to 10 Hz, use lfo 1. For sale because of need of workspace and having enough alternatives. Comes with a manual in English written by me. Great value for your money! Try and find a configuration like this for this price!

2 x VCO
1 x VCF Steiner Parker Synthacon (Audio/Line inputs)
1 x VCF ARP 4072 (Audio/Line inputs)
2 x LFO
1 x Noise
3 x Inverters
2 x Pulse Delay
4 x ADSR
2 x VCA (Audio/Line inputs)
Dimensions: 49x40x20cm (WxHxD)
Weight: 8kg
Connections: Lumberg 1502-03 3,5mm jack
Potentiometers: Alpha 16mm
Power supply: Tracepower
Interface: CV 1V/Oct and gate 0-5V.
The available waveforms are: - triangle (switch 1 up) - sine (switch 1 down) - sawtooth (switch 2 up) - pulse (switch 2 down). Each two switches select two waveforms. The middle position switches off the output.
Sync: hard sync.
VCO 1 and 2 are identical except that a 10 position of the pulse width knob of VCO 1 will yield a 100% pulse, so it will generate no sound. When the knob is centered, a square wave will be output.
There are two 1v/octave inputs
The Steiner Parker Synthacon filter was improved by Yves Usson in order to suppress its typical chaotic behaviour when driven into self-oscillation.
Filter modes: - LP low pass - HP high pass - BP band pass - AP all pass
When AP is selected, tweaking the frequency knob will have no effect. This mode is useful when the filter output is patched into the ARP 4072 filter input. Resonance is still available, though.
Do not expect a good v/octave tracking over more than two and half octave.
There are three audio inputs, the first of which can be attenuated.
The ARP 4072 filter includes an input buffer stage and an output buffer stage. The output buffer stage is used to compensate for gain and low frequency loss common to 24 db/octave low pass filters. Unlike the original, this filter will go from 20 or Hz to 20 kHz.
There are three audio inputs, two of which can be attenuated. Input 3 is located on the left from 1 and 2.
The available waveforms are: - triangle (left switch up) - sawtooth (left swith down) - sine (right switch up) pulse (right switch down)
Each two switches select two waveforms. The middle position switches off the output.
FM provides exponential rate modulation. However, it cannot go beyond the maximum rate.
The pulse width knob caters for manual pulse width modulation, but its range is limited from 10% to 90%. This makes sense, because pulse width is not voltage controlled.
Oscillation rate is indicated by a green led, the brightness of which being linked to the pulse wave signal.
LFO 1 has a range from 0.01 Hz to 10 Hz.
LFO 2 has a range from 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz (up) and 1 Hz to 100Hz, which is well into the audio range.
When the sync input receives a trigger, the wave cycle will restart on the rising edge of the external signal.
The noise generator generates three different signals:
- white noise (evenly distributed frequency spectrum)
- pink noise (1/f frequency spectrum, that is with a 3dB/octave slope)
- a slow varying random voltage (frequency below 6Hz).
The pink noise signal is amplified and followed by two low-pass filters to provide slow varying random voltages. The first filtering stage is second order low-pass with a cut-off frequency close to 5Hz whereas the second stage provides a 6dB/octave lowpass with a cut-off frequency of 4.7Hz with some amplification in order to level up the random voltage.
Pulse delay
This module has two separate units that can be triggered either by one single gate signal or by two separate gate signals.
Each unit provides one output signal:
a delayed pulse signal (0-10V) with a delay that can be set between 1ms and 1s and a pulse width that can be set between 1ms and 1s.
ADSR envelope generator
There are four identical ADSR envelope generators.
There are positive and inverted outputs.
Negative outputs should not be patched into VCA control inputs or no sound will be heard.
Attack time: 1ms to 3 sec
Decay time: 1ms to 3 sec
Sustain level: 0 to 10V
Release time: 1ms to 3 sec
VCA 1 and 2 are identical. Gain or initial gain opens the VCA. There are two audio inputs and two control inputs, but there are control knobs only for the first inputs. The green leds do not change colour in the event of signal overload.


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Wel een paar uitgebreide reacties, maar nog geen deal. Onbekend maakt onbemind.