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verkocht Kawai PHm synth module - klassieker! = 75 e

75 Euro
Zo goed als nieuw


Ouwe rot
Lid sinds
26 januari 2007
Kawai PHm pop synth module
De klassieker! Stond aan de basis van vele grote hits in de jaren '80 en '90!
In prima staat, inclusief originele power-adapter.
75 euro, ophalen in Gld of verzenden tegen kosten (goed verpakt met DHL)

• Wide variety of tones
The PHm offers a choice of 250 tones: 200 single sounds plus 50 combinations. Together, they cover a wide range from piano and bass to percussion and special effects – all recorded with the same high- quality PCM sound.
• Five-part sequencing
The PHm simultaneously supports up to five parts: a combination of up to 4 tones selected from the 200 available single sounds plus a separate PCM drum section which contains 16 instruments of drum and percussion. The PHm’s VARIABLE MULTI TIMBRE functions automatically allocate the use of the 16 voices available for the five parts for maximum effect.
• Pre-programmed rhythms
The PHm offers a choice of 30 built-in rhythm patterns – everything from 50’s rock through rap – that are instantly available to enhance your keyboard performance.
• Compact, half rack size
The PHm’s compact, lightweight (1.2 kg) design makes it easy to carry and small enough to place on top of a synthesizer or digital piano. An optional adaptor enables it for rack mounting.
Number of voices: 16 Maximum
Tone Patches: 250 (200 Tones/50 Combinations)
Rhythm: 30 Patterns Start/Stop, Intro/Fill In, Tempo, Rhythm Volume
Combination Edit: 30 Forms Assign, Volume
System: Tune, Transpose, Transmit Channel, Receive Channel, Omni On/Off, Program Change, Pressure On/Off, Pitch Bend On/Off, Modulation On/Off, Volume On/Off, Hold On/Off, Velocity On/Off
Others: Power, Master Volume, MIDI
Jacks: L (Mono)/R, MIDI (In,Out,Thru)
Display: 3 LEDs"


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