MPC4000 OS 1.60 nieuw!!


Lid sinds
17 juli 2001
Alphen a/d Rijn
OS Version 1.60

Release Notes:

Changes since V1.51. (as of V1.51v - 30.6.04)

Important note: Multi program, which is created or saved by V1.51s or higher, cannot be loaded in previous versions. (Because of FX parameters changes)

* Audition-From-Disk function. This is now available on F4 in the Load page.
- direct audition WAV files from FAT32/FAT16 HD
- direct audition WAV files from ISO CDs
- direct audition AKAI samples from S1000/S3000 disks
- audition samples from foreign disks (Roland/EMU): sample is loaded in RAM for auditionning
Note: It is possible that incorrect sound appears from slow speed device like USB ZIP, USB Flash, etc, especially when auditioning 96KHz stereo sample.

* Change FX Gain Structure
- improvements to FX send level
- FX return level range increased by 12dB
- display FX Return Level in dB in FX / MIX
(for compatibility, Multi created with previous OS will default to -12dB)

* Improvements to the GOTO function (now behaves as MPC3000)
- pressing GOTO twice locates to the previous locate point
- cursor retains previous position

* Improvements to auto-selection of current Program and current Sample
- Program selected in PROGRAM mode:
From MAIN, Program assigned to the Part of the current Track (if Out is set to PART)
From MULTI or PART MIXER, Program assigned to current the Part
- Sample selected in SAMPLE mode:
From PROGRAM, Sample assigned to the current KeyGroup
From PAD Mixer, Sample assigned to the current Pad

* Improvements to COPY TO function in SEQ EDIT
- Copy&Paste Data window now retains Copy Range and Pad/Notes selection

* Improvements to Sequencer Sync to MIDI clock.
The sequencer is now no longer quantised to when MIDI clock arrives.

* Improvements to SLICE SAMPLE and Beat Calculation in Sample mode
- sequence can only be generated to an unused track (prevents overwriting existing sequence)
- new sequence tempo uses sample's BPM setting
- new sequence is looped automatically to the length of sliced sample

* Limit Sequence file renaming to 16 chars in disk UTILITY

* Improvements to loading items with names longer than 20 chars.

* Option to Spin-Down Hard Drive in LOAD page

* Change to PLAY START key in Sequence Loop mode:
- PLAY START always plays from the start of the Sequence
- SHIFT+PLAY START plays from the start of the loop

* Improved timing at the sequence change when "Reset Q-LINK on sequence change" is ON

* Improve LFO "desync" (LFO SYNC OFF)

* Added Direct access from MISC. mode to
- Sync window (with added Sync ON/OFF softkey)
- Auto-Punch window (with added Auto-Punch ON/OFF softkey)
- Metronome window (with added Metronome ON/OFF softkey)
- Tempo window (with added Tempo Changes ON/OFF and Seq/Master softkeys)

* Added Direct access from MISC. mode to
- Sync window (with added Sync ON/OFF softkey)
- Auto-Punch window (with added Auto-Punch ON/OFF softkey)
- Metronome window (with added Metronome ON/OFF softkey)
- Tempo window (with added Tempo Changes ON/OFF and Seq/Master softkeys)

Added Direct access from MISC to:
- Sequence Transpose window

Also added,
* Direct access to the Timing Correct window by holding down the Timing
Correct key a couple seconds.

* Shift + Audition to pre-load instead of stream when auditioning.
(allows to audition Stereo 24bit/96kHz samples from slower drives)

* Sample audition from disk now works when using ASCII USB keyboard (F4
in LOAD page)

* Audition-from-disk limitations:

- Some samples can't be streamed (i.e., "loaded" as virtual samples).
- When auditioning, if the sample can't be loaded as a virtual sample,
- it's loaded as a temporary memory sample.
- So any samples (including short ones) should audition correctly by
- being pre-loaded into memory automatically.
- (which could take a long time in some cases).
- The limitations that prevent a sample from streaming are as follows:
- (1) The loop must be longer than 512 samples.
- (2) The loop must not be within the first 60kB of a voice. So for a
- 16-bit
- stereo or mono sample the loop must be beyond 32768 samples.
- (3) The loop must not be alternating.
- (4) The total sample data must be at least 200kB (regardless of whether
- stereo or 16/24-bit).
- (5) And, of course, the disk format must support streaming.
- (FAT32/FAT16, ISO9660 CD, S1000/S3000)

* Improvements to loading items with names longer than 20 chars.

- When loading samples with file names longer than 20 characters, the
- MPC4000 now retains the first 16 characters of the file name and add a
- unique hexadecimal number at the end of the sample name, therefore,
- files with similar names except for the last characters will load as
- different samples.
- Example: "Ork Fingercymbals 001.wav" will load as "Ork
- Fingercymbal..39" and "Ork Fingercymbals 002.wav" will load as "Ork
- Fingercymbal..0c".
- When loading a folder that contains samples with names longer than 20
- characters, the "items were renamed" message is displayed at the end
- of the loading process.

- Previous OS simply truncated the name to the first 20 chars. In the
- expample above, "Ork Fingercymbals 001.wav" was loaded as "Ork
- Fingercymbals 00", and "Ork Fingercymbals 002.wav" was trying to load
- as "Ork Fingercymbals 00" too, therefore resulting in a "Duplicate
- Item found (202)" error message.

- With long names, "Load program with samples" won't work because the
- MPC4000 doesn't know what samples to load (they have been renamed).
- However, if all files are loaded (load folder for example) then it
- should work OK. Then if the program is resaved, it can later be loaded
- with its samples and it should work (since the samples will then have
- new names on disk).
- As a reminder, Programs using samples with names longer than 20-char
- do not comply with the specification for creating AKAI Programs. A
- CD-ROM designated as "AKAI format" should not contain any samples with
- file names longer than 20 characters.

* Improvements to auto-selection of current Program and current Sample

- For instance, in previous versions, when switching from Multi to
- Program mode, the MPC4000 would automatically select the program that
- was selected in the Multi mode. However, when switching from the Main
- screen to Program mode, the program that was selected in the Part for
- the active track in the Main screen was NOT selected for editing. This
- is now improved.

* Implement "root" sample name in RECORD mode (after naming a recorded sample, the same name root is used with an increment for subsequent samples). For instance, if first sample is named "Piano 1", subsequent samples will be auto-named "Piano 2", "Piano 3", etc..

* Improvement of limiting FX parameters on Qlink pages when changing FX Type after
Qlink has been assigned to FX parameter.

* Improvement to < STEP > and |< EVENT >| keys event monitor in STEP/SEQ EDIT

* Implement < STEP > and << BAR >> and GOTO keys event monitor in TR_LIST pages

* WINDOW key allows to close any open pop-up window

* In SEQ EDIT, MOVE mode defaults to MERGE instead of REPLACE

* Sample Trim points restored incorrectly when Loop is not set (One Shot) and trim points are inside loop. Fixed
Please note that due to a limitation in the standard WAV file format, Loop points are only stored if the sample mode is set to LOOP. This is not a bug.
* Aftertouch was ignored for 16-levels tuning when it should only be ignored for 16-levels velocity. Fixed
* NOTE OFF or TOGGLE play trigger was waiting until end of Release to start sample. Fixed
* REPLACE Paste acted as MERGE if Clipboard/Library copied using ALL Pads in SEQ EDIT of a DRUM track. Fixed
* "Keep or Retry" window didn't appear after QFX completed. Fixed
* Problems with some SCSI CD-ROMs and not correctly recognising files on a ISO-9660 CD-ROM. Fixed
* Metronome count in at wrong rate when synced to MIDI clock. Fixed
* Sequence change problem when entering Overdub without pausing.Fixed
* "Stop" key does not work when empty sequence started by foot switch. Fixed
* Record margin display not working for Mono recordings. Fixed
* Possible synchronization drift in long sequences as MTC Slave. Fixed.
* Display glitch when changing tracks with cursor on Device Name. Fixed.
* MPC4000 can crash when playing back or recording pan pad automation. Fixed

* No warning if new sample name already exists in memory. Fixed

* Trim start/end points lost when copying a Looped sample. Fixed

* Display glitch when applying Timing Correct in STEP EDIT. Fixed

* Sound does not appear after deleting Multi or Program in Program or Multi list page.

* Sequence save is now prohibited during sequence playback
* (this could create invalid midi files)

* Write Memory to CD is now prohibited during sequence playback, and all functions
are disabled during Writing to CD.
haa eindelijk daar is ie dan.

Ik heb m nog niet gepobeerd, en die beta's ook niet. Ik breng morgen verslag uit. Ik heb goede hoop iig:okdan:
Origineel geplaatst door nick nova
Heeft iemand enig idee hoe groot de kans is dat al je data weg is als je van OS switched?

mmm, als je de OS update, dan kom je toch niet aan je data?

Maar anders pomp je toch via de USB alles naar je PC als backup.
Je moet zowiezo alles backuppen, ik lees zoveel horror verhalen over mensen waarvan hun hd is gecrashed,, back ups maken dus...

ik denk dat het kan,, mijn hd is geknapt nadat akasys raar begon te doen.
al iemand ervaringen...?
ik wil hem er na dit weekend opzetten... audition from disc wordt langzamerhand écht nodig...

Tsss.. gaat lekker snel zeg (not) die os updates.. Akai naait mensen als nooit tevoren. :r
Origineel geplaatst door Jazper
Tsss.. gaat lekker snel zeg (not) die os updates.. Akai naait mensen als nooit tevoren. :r

Niet helemaal mee eens hoor... Ze hebben heel uitgebreid én heel publiek getest... En dat duurt nu eenmaal wat langer!
Dat AKAI deze OS twee jaar geleden al had moeten hebben, is een ander verhaal...

Origineel geplaatst door Lacertus
Niet helemaal mee eens hoor... Ze hebben heel uitgebreid én heel publiek getest... En dat duurt nu eenmaal wat langer!
Dat AKAI deze OS twee jaar geleden al had moeten hebben, is een ander verhaal...


Do you remember the last os update..? :W

Iedereen wist niet hoe snel ze weer terug moesten schakelen.. dus het verhaal van lang en breed testen gaat niet op.
niet overdrijven man, 1.5 was slecht, 1.51 was prima, en die was ergens rond de jaarwisseling. Om de half jaar een nieuwe os vind ik prima.

Dat neemt natuurlijk niet weg dat akai hier en daar een steek heeft laten vallen met de mpc4k natuurlijk
disk access langzaam ?

disk access langzaam ?

De disk-access van mijn MPC is erg traag.. hebben meer mensen daar last van. Kan me niet herinneren dat het saven van een sequence bij eerdere OS versies 10 seconden duurde.. grr..

Maar goed.. laden en saven is bijzaak ;) ..
Ik heb dat probleem hier ook met die tragere disks. Ook soms blanco scherm en van die toeren. kVond OS 1.51 beter..
(waarschijnlijk binnenkort een 1.61 die wel werkt, zoals voordien met 1.50 -> 1.51. Nog ff wachten dus =( )
hij is nog niet gecrashed, enkel dus wat trager
Ik hou het bij 1.51 nu. Ik heb nu een usb hd eraan gehangen, en ik heb geen zin in gezeik.

Ik las op het yahoo forum al dat 2 gasten een gecrashde hd hadden na dat opnieuw zoeken in 1.61.

Ik heb al een keer crash gehad, als ik er nu weer een krijg word ik gillend gek.