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Lid sinds
2 oktober 2016
Wegens overcompleet in de aanbieding:

Pittsburgh Toolbox: A versatile module capable of performing 4 distinct jobs at once.

Adjustable Slew Control
Noise Source
Sample & Hold
Voltage Inverter

60 euro

Pittsburgh Vilfo: The module offers two outputs, a triangle wave, and a variable waveform that shifts from a triangle to something that is almost not completely a square wave. The VILFO also includes a Voltage Influence CV input and a fine tune knob. The influence works differently than standard control voltage inputs, it allows the incoming CV to mingle with the LFO waveforms in bizarre ways creating unique modulations and patterns.

140 euro

Audio Damage sequencer 1: • 4 banks of 16 patterns, each pattern can be from 1 to 64 steps long. The entire state (all banks and patterns) can be saved to SD card as a preset, so the memory is essentially unlimited.

• Clock input can be per step (like any other sequencer's clock), or 24ppq or 48ppq for DIN sync (via a simple 5-pin DIN -> 3.5mm adaptor). Clock output can be a staggering number of choices, which is handy if the unit is acting as the master clock. The Run input can be operated a couple different ways, as can the output. In short, it can interface to pretty much anything clockish, and can in turn drive pretty much anything in a clocklike fashion.

• Each step gets a 1v/Oct output, three CV outputs (that can each be either 0-10v, -5 to +5v, or 0 to +5v), a main gate output, and an auxiliary gate output. Gate length is programmable per step.

• The playback modes are forward, reverse, pingpong, pingpong with double end triggers, skip forward, walk, and random. This is programmable per pattern.

• There are several ratcheting features; you can program a ratchet of various lengths per step, or you'll note the 6 buttons labeled "REP." These will repeat, in order, the last 8, 4, 2, or 1 steps as a loop, or cause the step you hit them on to repeat in half or quarter time. (In the same manner that the MIDI triggers in Replicant work, basically, if you own that plugin.)

SD card for storage and OS updates.

450 euro

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