K2500R probleem Zip drive..

Harry Turtle

Ouwe rot
Lid sinds
11 oktober 2009
Zijn er mensen die ervaringen hebben met het aansluiten van externe zip drives op de k2000 series?
Mijn k2500r kan mijn net aangekocht iomega 100 niet herkennen..
Ik heb beide scsci poorten achter geprobeerd..
De zipdrive heeft geen jumper of terminate settings.
Ik lees toch her en der mensen die hem gebruiken met de k2000 series..
Kan het aan de schijven liggen?
Ik had destijds hetzelfde probleem op een k2000.
De k2500 gaat ook hangen bij het zoeken van de zipdrive..
Alvast bedankt.
The first and last device in the chain must be terminated. Poor termination is a common cause of SCSI problems. Having more than two terminators on the bus will overload the bus drivers. This will not cause permanent damage to the hardware. However, poor termination can corrupt the data on your disk. There are two "exceptions" to this rule. If the chain is less than 18 inches only 1 terminator is needed. If the chain is 10 feet or more, the chain may need to be terminated at the 10 feet point, using a pass through terminator. The reason that we say you "may need" to do this is that we have found that some people don't seem to require a third terminator, while others can't get a longer SCSI chain to work without one. The Kurzweil comes internally terminated, and so you will normally want it to be on one end of the chain. The K2000 and K2661 keyboards must be at the end of the chain since they only have one SCSI port. (If you are hooked up in a chain with a computer, the computer will always be the other end of the chain.) If you need to have the Kurzweil in the middle of the chain, the termination must be removed. This should be done by an authorized service center. In the case of the K2000, it involves removing termination resistors. In the case of the K2500, there are several different possibilities - some have termination resistors that must be removed, others have jumpers that get moved. The newest K2500s and all K2600s have a termination switch on the back, so you can disable termination yourself. If you install an internal drive in the Kurzweil, termination must be removed from the Kurzweil. If the Kurzweil is at the end of the chain, termination resistors should be removed from the K2000 and the termination left on the internal drive. This makes the drive at the end of the chain. If you install an internal drive and the Kurzweil is in the middle of the chain, termination must be removed from both the Kurzweil and the drive. If you add an internal drive and the Kurzweil is not hooked to any other devices, termination should still be removed from the Kurzweil. (See the rule about a chain less than 18 inches, above.) External drives may or may not be internally terminated. If a drive is not terminated and is on the end of the chain, you can purchase an external termination clip, which plugs onto the second SCSI port (most drives will have two ports). Some drives also have an automatic termination feature - if you only have a single SCSI cable plugged in, the drive terminates itself, but if you plug in a second SCSI cable, termination is turned off.
Kan idd zijn dat het een switch of jumper op de pcb is.

Voordat je hem openschroefd, welke zip100 heb je?
Er zijn parallel+scsi-combi versies. Je moet dan de aansluiting hebben met het scsi-symbool.
