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-- EMU E-MU Vintage Keys Plus --


Lid sinds
15 december 2004
zgan 230 e

HD fotos


The Vintage Keys is a digital rackmount synthesizer that emulates the sounds of classic vintage synths. For an early 1990s ROMpler, this sound module was compact and actually sounded really good, loaded with good samples of vintage synth sounds. Just like the classics it has Portamento, a VCF (filter) and a Chorus effect. It has a lot of modulation capabilities which are all real-time and MIDI controllable. It does, however, have the typical brittle digital sound quality usually associated with digital sound modules, but it still makes nice pads, punchy bass and cool filter swept leads and works great for background synth sounds.

internal 8 MB ROM contains 249 PCM at 16 bits 39 KHz sampling rate mostly based on vintage synthesizers e.g Rhodes, Wurlitzer, Hammond, Prophet, Minimoog D, ARP Odyssey, Mellotron, Oberheim but also some acoustic shots and drum samples.

PLUS 8 Mb ROM with EXTRA SOUND LIST Dyno Rhodes, Yamaha DX7 FM Electric Pianos, Emulator II, Emulator III, Sequential Circuits, Oberheim, Roland analog synths, ARP analog synths, Emu SP-1200, Boss DR55, Roland TR808, Chapman Stick, Fender P-Bass and Electric Sitar.