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EMS SYNTHI - €7000

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Lid sinds
3 oktober 2015

I'm selling my EMS Synthi.

It's a 1977 model, it was originally an AKS and is now an "A" as the KS part is separated.

It's in very good shape, I've used it to record a cd and for a live performance in Barcelona earlier this month.

It's working well.

In the interest of full transparency, there are the following minor niggles:

1. Crackling on output chan 1 that I attribute to a dirty pot.
2. Power indicator lamp flickers on and off (it's the original 40 year old bulb!)
3. Oscillator 3 frequency dial is not as accurate as Oscillator 1 and 2, which are very precise.

The engineer who restored it fitted a digital spring reverb emulation but this can easily be replaced with a vintage or modern spring reverb.

I'm ready to pack it up securely and ship out with an overnight service or you're welcome to come and collect it in Dublin, Ireland.

I can't seem to attach pictures here but if you get in touch I can email them to you.

Thanks for looking!

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