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Emu Emax II 16 Bit Sampler

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Really cool stuff
Lid sinds
28 mei 2002
Regio 030
voor de liefhebber :)

2212 2MB Keyboard
Emu OS 2.14

in een goede staat

150 Euro


Tevens heb ik ook het rack model.

Emax II Turbo [Stereo]
2206 8MB Rack

Prijs 225 Euro , inc Emu sound library ( 4 CD's ) + Externe CD-rom Speler

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Octave velocity sensitive keyboard C to C or 3 space rack

* 14 Velocity curves

* Velocity can control VCA level, VCA attack, VCF cutoff, VCF attack, and VCF Q.
* 3.5 inch floppy disk drive (uses double sided, double density (DSDD) floppy disks)
* Internal and external SCSI connection (internal HD power supply)
* 32 Character Backlit LCD
* RS-422 connection
* MIDI In connection
* MIDI Out/Thru connection
* Programmable Arpeggiator
* 16 track "scratchpad" sequencer
* Clock In (Clock In can accept 24, 48, or 96 ppq, the pulses should be at least 1ms wide and 1 to 5 volts.
* Clock Out (Clock Out sends a 24 ppq which is 5 volts and about 6ms wide)
* 2 Programmable wheels for real-time control over pitch, filter cutoff, AHDSR attack rate, level, LFO modulation index, etc.
* 2 Footswitches
* 1 Footpedal Audio Out and In *Headphone
* Mono Mix

* Main Out (L and R stereo)
* Sub A (L and R stereo / Tip-output and Ring-effect return)
* Sub B (L and R stereo / Tip-output and Ring-effect return)
* Sub C (L and R stereo / Tip-output and Ring-effect return)
* Sample In (stereo / Tip-Left and Ring -Right)
* Digital amplifier (VCA) with AHDSR envelope generators
* LFO with adjustable rate, delay, and speed variation The Emax II CAN chorus its voices without loss of polyphony. Digital Processing *Truncation
* Looping ( Crossfade and Equal Power)

* Digital combine
* Sample reversal, as well as rate and pitch conversion
* Transform Multiplication tm
* Splicing
* Advanced Split and Layer
* Individual tuning and attenuation for each sampleSynthesis


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