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motu 2408 mk1 + PCI324

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Ouwe rot
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27 juli 2003
Herent, Belgie
een volledige 24ch set voor PC en Mac
in perfetcte staat met doos, kabels manual en cd voor 199 euro

The 2408 I/O Rear Panel:
24 simultaneous inputs and outputs, 20-bit converters
The 2408 I/O is a single-space, rack mountable chassis with gold-plated
analog and digital audio connectors on its rear panel and status LEDs on
the front. The rear panel has seven banks of 8-channel I/O in the
following formats:
• One bank of 8 unbalanced (-10 dB) analog RCA inputs and outputs.
• Three Tascam DA-88 ‘TDIF’ 8-channel digital I/O connectors.
• Three Alesis ADAT optical ‘light pipe’ 8-channel digital I/O
Internally, the 2408 has three 8-channel I/O busses (A, B and C) for a
total of 24 simultaneous inputs and outputs. Using the included console
software (available for both Mac and PC), users can freely choose any I/O
format for each bank. For example, the user could choose analog for
Bank A, ADAT optical for Bank B, and Tascam TDIF for Bank C. Or they
could choose ADAT optical for all three banks.
The analog inputs are equipped with 20-bit, 64x oversampling A/D
converters. The analog outputs have 20-bit 128x oversampling D/A
converters. The entire analog section of the circuit board inside the
2408 is physically isolated from the rest of the board to help ensure
quiet analog performance.
For main stereo output, analog outputs 1 and 2 are duplicated on the rear
panel as a stereo pair of balanced (+4 dB) quarter-inch TRS jacks.
The 2408 rear panel has three S/PDIF stereo pairs. One S/PDIF output,
labeled ‘DAT’, is dedicated to duplicating the stereo main out so that
users can always record a stereo mix to their DAT decks without swapping
cables with other S/PDIF devices. The other two S/PDIF connectors,
labeled ‘AUX’, serve as independent stereo inputs/outputs.
BNC Word clock connectors (in and out) are provided for synchronization
with standard word clock devices. Sample-accurate ADAT and Tascam
synchronization is provided via the PCI card (explained later).
The 2408 I/O Front Panel:
Level Meters, Headphone Output and Stand-alone Format Conversion
The front panel of the 2408 I/O displays several banks of status LEDs. On
the left are three banks of eight LEDs (A, B and C) that show audio
signal on the 2408’s three ADAT/TDIF digital I/O buses. On the right are
eight vertical, four-segment LEDs that show input level from the eight
analog inputs measured from -40 dB to 0 dB. Eight analog output LEDs are
provided as well.
MOTU 2408 Hard Disk Recording System Press Release Page 3 of 4
Finally, several additional LEDs, along with accompanying mode/select
buttons, allow users to access the 2408 I/O’s stand-alone format
conversion features. With these controls, users can bounce ADAT tracks to
Tascam and vice versa without a computer.
The 2408 front panel includes a quarter-inch stereo headphone output jack
and volume knob. The headphone output matches the main stereo outs.
The PCI-324 card:
Custom Processor, Expansion, and Sample-accurate Sync
The 2408 system ships with a single PCI audio card called the PCI-324.
The card features a custom processor, three 1394 ‘firewire’ type
connectors, an ADAT SYNC IN connector, and a Digital Timepiece ‘Control
Track’ sync connector (RS-422 socket).
The firewire connectors allow up to three 2408 I/O units to be connected
at one time, providing users with 72 input and output connections. The
2408 system uses standard 1394 components, but MOTU has developed a
proprietary communication protocol between the card and the external I/O
to handle the extremely low latencies required by the system. The heart
of the PCI-324 card is a custom-programmed VLSI chip capable of
simultaneously processing all 72 inputs and outputs (144 channels total)
at either 44.1 or 48 KHz. The custom chip handles all of the system’s I/O
processing, freeing up the host computer’s processing bandwidth for realtime
DSP effects and hard disk I/O. The custom processor also allows the
system to act as a massive, 72 by 72 patch bay, allowing users to route
any input to any output (or combination of outputs).
The card’s standard 9-pin ADAT SYNC IN connector provides sample-accurate
synchronization with all Alesis ADAT tape decks connected to the system.
For example, if a user digitally transfers a single track of material
from their ADAT via light pipe into the 2408’s Macintosh workstation
software, and then transfers the track back to the ADAT, it will be
recorded exactly at its original location.
The card’s RS-422 Control Track connector allows sample-accurate
synchronization with MOTU’s Digital Timepiece universal A/V synchronizer.
For example, Tascam DA-38/88/98 users can use a Digital Timepiece to
synchronize their 2408 system with Tascam tape decks to perform sampleaccurate
transfers in the same manner as just described for ADATs.
Control Track is a proprietary, sample-accurate digital audio
synchronization protocol developed by Mark of the Unicorn.
16-bit and 24-bit recording
While the 2408’s on-board A/D and D/A converters are 20-bit, the 2408
system handles the data internally with a 24-bit signal path. Using the
Macintosh workstation software (included), users can record 16-bit or
MOTU 2408 Hard Disk Recording System Press Release Page 4 of 4
24-bit audio files at either 44.1 or 48 KHz. On Windows, 24-bit audio
files can be recorded with any compatible host application that has the
ability to record them.
users can achieve 24-bit A/D and D/A conversion via third-party products.
For example, users can connect an Apogee AD-8000 8-channel 24-bit
converter to their 2408 system via an ADAT optical connection for 8
channels of ultra high-fidelity 24-bit recording.
Macintosh Audio Workstation Software:
Recording, Editing, Mixing, Plug-ins and Real-Time Effects
Included with the 2408 system is a full-featured audio workstation
software package that includes multi-channel waveform editing, automated
virtual mixing, graphic editing of ramp automation, real-time effects
plug-ins with 32-bit floating point processing, crossfades, support for
third-party audio plug-ins (in the MOTU Audio System and Adobe Premiere
formats), background processing of file-based operations, sample-accurate
editing and placement of audio, and more. The 2408 system can also be
used with MOTU’s award-winning Digital Performer audio sequencer software
In either case, the host computer determines the number of tracks that
the software can record and play simultaneously, as well as the amount of
real-time effects processing it can support. A faster computer with more
RAM and faster hard drives will allow more simultaneous tracks and realtime
effects than a slower computer with less RAM and slower hard drives.
A 200+ MHz Power Macintosh will allow the software to play 16-24
simultaneous tracks of audio. Today’s fastest computers can typically
play as many as 32 tracks or more. Standard third-party SCSI acceleration
products can also help users achieve higher track counts.
Compatibility with Third-Party Audio Software
The 2408 system ships with a standard multi-channel Windows Wave (.WAV)
driver that allows users to record, edit, play back and mix their 2408
projects using their favorite Wave-compatible Windows software.
The 2408 system also ships with a standard Mac OS Sound Manager driver
for stereo I/O with any audio application that supports Sound Manager.
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